Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Encouragement From a Fellow Recruit


Lets' not jump the gun now... i still have two weeks left as a normal civilian!  Exactly two Sundays from now i will be making my trip to the hotel (hoping no obstacles get in the way), so i can be processed through MEPS one more time and shipped out!

Who knows how i will feel when it actually comes time to leave, but right now my worries are all gone... either because i have allowed myself to realize this is what i was made for... or that i am too mentally drained to have time to worry right now.

I haven't pt'd for a couple days now due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I desperately need to get back in the rhythm of pt everyday and mainly running.  Although on the other hand, in lieu of pt, i have been studying my rank structure, general orders, some marine corps history, and other things that i think might be helpful to be aware of before i get to basic.

I have been following Recruit Garner ( as she makes her way through basic.  She is having her blog, Future of the Corps (, updated with letters she sends home.  It is very encouraging to read her posts.  She lays out the phases she is going through, from getting off the bus to the time she starts Forming and Training.  She lays out what a normal day is going to look like... and it doesn't sound too bad.

As my ship date draws closer the more my excitement builds up.  It's almost time!! and i can't wait!


  1. I am so very proud of you!!!!I will support you 110% Love ya girlie - BB

  2. Thanks for the support BB - Love ya girl!!
