Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Counting down the days!

It's finally sinking in that i am really doing this... Its exciting, but nerve racking too.  So many things are going through my mind right now.....

Am I ready? Physically? Mentally?
What if i fail? If i don't get guide?
What am i going to miss while i'm gone?
What if something happens at home?
Can i actually handle whats coming my way?

I need to just take a deep breath and relax, and have confidence in myself.  As long as i give 110% there is not much more I can do.  It will be hard, but i know i will survive, and i will come out as one of the best; One of the Few and One of the Proud!  That's motivation enough.

PT has been helping... I keep improving with everything.  As long as i don't quit i am good to go.  So far, I have acheived a 12:37 run, 100 sit-ups in 2 mins, and a 70sec FAH.  Before I ship out i would still like to get a faster run and more sit-ups, but as long as i don't get worse i will be happy.

I am counting down the days (20!!) until i take my step into this "new world."  Life is going to be so different.. but so worth it!!

1 comment:

  1. Your a strong confident young women you will do great and we are very proud of you!

    Mom & Dad
