Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


3 Days to Go

It feels like yesterday when i first walked into the recruiter's office.  I am extremely excited to be shipping out in three days, but, im am sure like every other poolee, i am feeling a little reluctant.  I have become close friends with a lot of the other poolees and the recruiters feel like family after spending every other day at the office training.  I know most poolees will be around when i graduate, but i will still miss everyone.

What is coming next is going to be so much bigger than just making friends and pt-ing, and that keeps me going.  I can't wait until i can call myself a Marine!  Mostly, I can't wait to make my parents more proud of me by becoming one of America's best.

I wish everyone luck in their journey!  Stay Motivated!! I will make sure to update everyone with my letters.  I can't say how often the will be, but they will certainly be here!!

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