Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Female Poolee Function

First and Foremost!!!-  I would like to thank Future JarHeads for linking my blog to their page (which can be found here ->> and also be sure to check out the rest of their website.  They have a lot of interesting information that is helpful and inspiring!!

Secondly, I want to update everyone on whats current with me. 

Yes! I only have 30 days left until my ship date is here and i leave for the island.  I am starting to get a little nervous, but its more excitement than anything.  I know it going to be extremely challenging and i just hope i can push my self to be the best.  Watch out fellow recruits, i am going to give it all i got and i am going to be guide (hopefully - if not that will be ok because i will know i gave 110% the whole time anyway).

Before I ship out i have been trying to get to know the other poolees a little better.  I think it is important to be friends with the people i am going to be serving with.  We are all going through the same situation and i know everyone needs a little emotional support, thats what i am here for!

In between working out and making ice cream cake for everyone (haha) i try to get small groups of poolees together on the side to just hangout.  Tonight i am having a female poolee slumber party of sorts.  It will be a good chance for all of us to let some tension out and try to help motivate each other.  Also, just to have some girl talk... gossiping and such haha.  (We are also coming us with strategies to take down RSS Bulter in the RSS BEAVER VS RSS BULTER function tomorrow)

I hope our "get togethers" like this will help build everyones confidence knowing there is someone else sharing their same feelings; excitement, hesitation, fears, etc.


  1. You are very wise to get to know your fellow poolees. That is very important since you will be working with these people some day. Stay motivated poolee!!

  2. Just wanted to wish you Luck .

  3. OohRah!! Thank you for the feedback.
    Semper infidel - Thank you!!
