Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Making My Decision

It only took one time hanging from that chin up bar for me to know I was ready to change my life.  It was something I never considered before, but once I said those words “I want to be a Marine”... I knew right then, it was the best decision I ever made….

I had always wanted to join the Air Force, mainly because I wanted to be a jet pilot (height and speed.. my two favorite things.)  But then again, I was always going to be an astronaut, veterinarian, and actress too.  Being a US Marine was never part of the game plan. 

I met SSgt. Verduce at the Hookstown Fair, where him and a few other marines where scouting out possible recruits.  At first I was hesitant to even walk up to the tent, knowing how all recruiters act like vultures.  I didn’t plan on joining the Marines, or any other branch for that matter.  I just wanted to see how long I could hang from that chin up bar, I wanted that 70 seconds, I wanted that shirt!  I was going to pass it up though, so I didn’t have to give the recruiters my information. I didn’t want them to contact me.  But that bar kept calling to me.

I wasn’t able to hold the flexed arm hang for the full 70 seconds, but I wasn’t going to give up that easily either.  So I came back the next day and tried again.  Still, no 70 seconds hang.  That feeling I got, however, from just getting back up on that bar… it was a feeling I knew from somewhere… and it was a good feeling, and it sparked something inside. 

I decided to give SSgt my phone number so we could set something up where I could get information.  At first I wasn’t completely sure what I wanted to do… I just wanted options.  I was surprised at how quickly SSgt called me.  I got a message during my lunch break, so I called and scheduled to go to the office right after work that day.  SSgt Verduce set me up with one of his recruiters, Sgt Hall.  Even though Sgt Hall made the Corps sound like the place to be, I was still hesitant.  There are so many negative feeling towards the Marines from people I have known my whole life, I was skeptical. I didn’t want to disappoint my parents, and I didn’t want to come out “changed”.

However, within just one week of meeting with Sgt Hall, I knew what my decision was.  Seeing how passionate he and SSgt Verduce are about the Marine Corps, was evidence enough for me. I was going to be one of the few and one of the proud.  The words felt perfect as I said them, and they are the most meaningful 8 words that I have said in my 20 years, “SGT HALL, I WANT TO BE A MARINE”


  1. i love it so far jess. good luck in basic :) we will all miss u sooo much!!!

  2. your parents and brothers are very proud!!
