Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Boot camp 5

20110128- The end of Grass week!
                  (more importantly....3 more days until February! That means 2 months down 1 to go)

So, after my disappointing experience with swim qual and MCMAP, things seem to be improving... or maybe it's just one of those "Edmiston" things and our love for hard core activities like playing with deadly weapons and tear gas.

After initial  testing last Tuesday, We made our way to the rappel tower and the gas chamber. The rappelling was pretty cool, but I didn't rappel down the wall, I ended up doing the fast rope. free falling for a few seconds until the hand break pulls me back to reality... it was definitely a good boot camp experience.

Then the gas chamber ( dun dun dun)
4th battalion had to wait until all male platoons went through the gas chamber first. We got to see the looks of terror on all their faces as they ran out of the gas chamber, arms up and out to the side looking like a plane plummeting down in a  " mayday " spiral.

Most of the females began to panic knowing they were going to come out with the same red, irritated skin and nasal drainage slimming up our faces and running down over our mouth and hanging from our lower jaw, But we had to get over our anxiety and step through that door regardless.

As we filed in and lined up against the wall our vision became impaired from all the smoke in the air. they locked the doors behind us and began briefing us.

The smoke became thicker as the instructors increased the chlorine, Once it reached the right consistency we were instructed to break our seals, at first the gas had no affect on me, I did what I was told, I held my breath and kept my eyes shut.

But with the curiosity of how the other girls were being affected and the way the gas seemed to tighten my burning skin, I automatically gasped for air, opened my eyes, and quickly learned what a mistake that was.
The best comparison I have is a jabinero pepper, Imagine rubbing the freshly cut pepper all over your face and in your eyes, taking a bite and having it burn your mouth and throat from the intense heat, And the more you try to hold your breath , the more you cough and breath in more gas. the harder you try to squeeze your eyes shut the more they burn and tear up, causing them to open again.

Even though we went through the same chamber with the same gas, the females seemed to react less dramatically than the males, we looked just as disgusting as we ran out drooling, but not as desperate for oxygen.

The rappel tower and gas chamber, beginning of phase two, a milestone that increased my motivation of continuing through boot camp.

The next thing that came along in the schedule...

Grass/Rifle week!

Right now we are still learning the basics of rifle handling and sight adjustments. We have been shooting targets in the I.S.M.T ( a marksmanship simulator) So far my groupings have been pretty good, Today is our last practice day in the I.S.M.T and starting next week we move to the range for live fire. I am hoping I qualify as a sharpshooter at least.

I will update everyone in a few weeks with my qual and what else we are going to be doing.

See you all soon! Just 5 more weeks ( Because Marine week doesn't really count)

1 week of firing
1 week of BWT
Team week
1 week of TBD activities
Marine week ( doesn't really count Ha Ha )

Can't wait to see everyone!

 Rct Edmiston
4th Rtbn Plt 4008 Co O

P.S. The chow at the range is amazing.
Bigger portions, more time to eat, more options. Only down side the males food is right across the room calling my name, but females aren't allowed all the fatty onion rings, french fries and cheeseburgers.
It's Ttorture, Cruel and Unusual punishment....

1 comment:

  1. Jess I love reading your blog because you are such a good writer and its nice to hear of your experience! Good Luck!
