Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


PT All The Way

Are you physically ready to take on the challenges of becoming a Marine?  If so, Congratulations!! If not, well, i advise you to start attending the physical training sessions held by your local recruiters or take some time to work out on your own. 

Before I started going to pt, i was fairly active compared to a lot of people i know.  But fairly active just won't cut it in the Marine Corps.  You need to be overly active!  So, i started going to the office every other day to work out and help get myself in the shape i need to be for boot camp.

Yes, it can be an inconvenience having to drive out of your way or just setting aside a few hours when you could be out doing other things, but its really beneficial in the end.  I drive 45 minutes just about every day to get to pt, not because i have to, but because i want to; i know it is going to help prepare me for basic training. 

The males have to crank out a max set of pull-ups and the females have to do a max flexed arm hang(FAH) before we even report in.  Pull-ups and flexed arm hangs are a huge part of fitness.  Along with pull-ups/FAH, crunches and running is extremely important.  During pt we might focus on one main muscle group per day, but we do work a little bit of everything. Also, don't just run and assume that is enough.  Doing lunges down the hall, bear crawls, and mountain climbers all help build leg strength and will help to improve your running.

If you want to help build a stronger core, don't stop at doing just crunches.  Mix it up with a variety of ab workouts; regular crunches, bicycle crunches, six inches, flutter kicks, and planks are also really good at strengthening core muscles.

I started out running a normal IST, trying to get my run time under 14:30, crunches above 50 and flexed arm hang of 70 seconds.  I realized that doing other workouts in between was helping me improve in every area.  SSgt Verduce and Sgt Hall have me doing assisted pull-ups to help with my flexed arm hang now.  I have noticed a major difference in my performance in the past few weeks.  My run time is improving, i have increased my hang time, and added about 20 crunches since i started.

I am still not where i want to be, but i will get there.  If i didn't attend pt every day i know that i wouldn't be anywhere near prepared when my ship date comes around.  I would advise making it easier on yourself and start working out now.  It will help physically and mentally.

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