Marines in Action

Marines in Action
Special forces unit from Indonesia Marine Corps in rapid response attack simulation. (Surabaya, 15 November 2006) Photograph by Mbahji (Deviant Art)


Entering the DEP - Keeping Motivated

Before i enlisted in the Marines i thought that i was fairly active and in good shape.  When i ran that first IST though, i realized i would never make it through basic training as i was... i definitely needed to step it up, especially with running.  Even though it isn't mandatory for me, i go to the office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for PT and still feel like i need to be doing more.  My biggest worry right now isn't the DI, isn't being away from home, but getting to boot camp and failing.

I look forward to PT everyday.  Sgt Hall, along with all the other recruiters in the office, is really good about keeping me motivated and making me push myself.  The work outs are challenging, but i know they will benefit me in the end.  Every day we do something different, working a different muscle group.  It is never easy, and for the first few weeks i would go home with every muscle in my body hurting.

My biggest piece of advice to everyone is DO NOT GIVE UP.  I know i felt like i wouldn't be able to finish a work out, or i would tell myself i made the wrong decision by enlisting.  But i also know that sticking it out and earning that title, Marine, it will be a great feeling, and it will make up for every second of pain and exhaustion.  I look forward to that sense of accomplishment that will come with graduating basic training, and that's what keeps me going and keeps me pushing myself to be better.  So far, its paid off.  I have gotten my run time down under 14 mins, my crunches up to 60+, and my arm hang is 50+ seconds.

It is hard to keep myself motivated, but i don't give up, and don't beat myself up because i know i should be doing better.  Keep a positive attitude towards everything and set yourself goals, even if they are small.  Aim for getting one more pull up this time, or even just 5 seconds faster on the run.  If you tell yourself you can do it, you will.

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